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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

Public·50 members

Ruben Lavrentiev
Ruben Lavrentiev

The Fabric Of Reality: The Science Of Parallel ...

This picture of parallel universes may seem like science fictionor a cosmologist's playful mind game. But multiple, independent lines ofargument support it. Even among skeptics, most experts tend to accept twobasic and uncontroversial premises about the nature of the universe--premisesthat, followed to their logical conclusion, imply the existence of infinitemirror worlds and infinite identical copies of you inhabiting many of thoseworlds. And there are other theoretical reasons to believe in paralleluniverses as well.

The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel ...

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Deutsch, on the other hand, argues that physicists must traffic inexplanations as well as equations. "Both are necessary conditions forsomething to be good science," he says. And Tegmark, who believes thatcosmological data provide solid, if indirect, support for the existence ofthe holographic-type parallel universes, says that physicists are nowentitled to speculate about such things. "The borderline between physicsand philosophy has shifted quite dramatically in the last century," hesays. "I think it's quite clear that parallel universes are nowabsorbed by that moving boundary. It's included within physics ratherthan metaphysics." At least it is in this universe.

Ever since Comte proposed the name "sociology," and parallel with all subsequent attempts to give the term a definite content, one mode of attack upon the proposed science has been denial that it could have a subject-matter not already pre-empted by other sciences. This sort of attack has been encouraged by the seemingly hopeless disagreement among sociologists about the scientific task that they were trying to perform. If sociology has had anything to say about primitive peoples, for instance, it has been accused of violating the territory of anthropology and ethnology. If it has dealt with the evidence recorded by civilized races, it has been charged with invading the province of the historian. If it has touched upon the relations of social classes in modern times, the political scientist or the economist has warned it to cease infringing upon his monopoly. Thus sociology has seemed to workers in other sciences either a pseudo-science, attempting to get prestige in their own fields by exploiting quack methods, or a mere collector of the waste thrown aside by the more important sciences. At the same time, sociologists themselves have unintentionally done not a little to confirm this impression. As has been hinted above, their failure to agree upon a definition of their

The formula adopted above is not an individual variation of the many alternatives already proposed as a fair field for a science of sociology. It is rather an interpretation of all the efforts, both within and without the older sciences, which have been prompted by a more or less distinct feeling that there are important reaches of knowledge about human conditions not provided for in the programs of the older sciences. Instead of leading to the conclusion that there is nothing to do which the older sciences do not properly attempt, if the heterogeneous labors of the sociologists are reviewed with a little care they furnish abundant evidence, both that there is unoccupied territory, and that these unsystematized surveys have each actually been doing some of the necessary work of plotting the ground. The proposition which we are now supporting is not that the sociologists ought to fix upon a new material as the subject-matter of their science. In fact, the sociologists have long ago instinctively fixed upon their material, and its distinctive character is gradually beginning to appear. The subject-matter upon which the sociologists are engaged is the social process as a whole. This is to be sharply distinguished, on the one hand, from mere knowledge of isolated phenomena, or classes of phenomena, that take place among men; and it is also to be distinguished from mere knowledge of immediate relations, that may be abstracted from the whole complex of relations which make up the entire fabric of human life. The

Comparisons of this sort are so loose that they might easily prejudice the case under discussion. They are merely illustrations, necessarily inexact, but presenting certain instructive parallels. Let us suppose that, at a certain stage in the development of the science of physics, investigators had acquired considerable amounts of knowledge about groups of physical phenomena determined by relatively superficial marks. Let us suppose that one type of physicists had specialized upon gravitation, with the least possible attention to all other phases of physical phenomena. Suppose another type had in the same way confined attention to the phenomena of light; another, to those of magnetism; etc. Suppose that in each case the knowledge gained by such abstraction had been carefully systematized. This whole body of knowledge would doubtless have had a certain value. Obviously that value would have been narrowly limited, however, because such arbitrary isolation of things that are essentially related is possible only so long as insight into the real facts is rudimentary. Modern physics could not come into existence until, by some means or other, students of these things had learned to entertain the idea of the unity of their phenomena, resting in an underlying unity of substance manifesting the phenomena. That is, there could be only superficial arrangements of amateurish observation, not respectable science, until a unifying conception gave coherence to the details observed. Thus the conception of matter, and of the molar and molecular processes of matter, might have arisen after

AbstractAn interactive clothing system is one of the basiccomponents of virtual reality. The clothing is implemented via design oftwo-dimensional garment panels and putting the panels on an actor in a realisticway. We show how to ease this time consuming task by appealing to a hybridcellular automaton as a parallel computing device. We draw our approach on afact that the draping fabric bears a feature of natural parallelism. At a veryshort time scale behavior of any node point of a fabric depends only on thebehavior of its closest neighboring node points. Therefore distant regions ofthe fabric can be simulated independently. Basing on the problem's naturalparallelism we design two-dimensional network of uniform locally connectedhybrid automata that execute in parallel a particle model of draping behavior ofclothes on a standing mannequin. (Kybernetes, Vol. 31, Nos 7/8, 2002, pp.1059-1072) 041b061a72


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